ENGLISH: Subject-Verb Agreement



  1. THE ELEMENTS OF Style BY WILLIAM STRUNK Jr. with Revisions, an Introduction, and a Chapter on Writing BY E. B. WHITE. COPYRIGHT © 2000, 1979. ALLYN & BACON
  2. Ali Dabbagh • Antonio Hernandez Conte Lorraine Lubin Editors Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric and Adult Patients Anesthetic and Perioperative Management
  3. Joep Perk, Peter Mathes, Helmut Gohlke, Catherine Monpère, Irene Hellemans, Hannah McGee, Philippe Sellier, and Hugo Saner,Editors Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007
  4. Complete Java J2EE Questions. JavaEra.com ®

Автор: Мария Соловьева, переводчик БП «Альянс ПРО».