Про начало предложения в английском

В предыдущем посте я писал про то, как мы с переводчиком искали альтернативы для help.
Но в том же заказе я сделал еще одну правку, которая вызвала недоумение переводчика — я начал предложение с дополнения, а не с подлежащего, или на крайняк, обстоятельства.


Если точнее, то было так:
Rich-content helps a brand stand out …

Стало так:
With rich-content, a brand can better stand out …


По мнению переводчика это чисто русская конструкция. Однако я ее не с потолка взял и в больших количествах я подобные вещи видел в книге Enemy at the Gates: the Battle for Stalingrad (историческая ценность книги так себе, но с точки зрения языка книга прекрасна — благодаря ей я на многие вещи стал смотреть по-другому).

Итак, давайте пробежимся по конструкциям, где предложение начинается с дополнения (спорные случаи тоже даю, т.к. они мне показались любопытными).


— With —

With a last joke and a smile, the happy doctor waved goodbye to his friends and left the line of march for a reunion in Salerno.
With all his problems out on the steppe, General Yeremenko struggled to restore order within his own house.
With this order, Stalin left Yeremenko to cope with the Germans knocking at the city gates.


— For —

For his part, Manstein could not wait much longer to make his move.
For Hitler, retreat from Stalingrad was out of the question, and his reasoning was typically arrogant, «Too much blood had been spilled there by Germans!»
For warmth, they ripped up wood flooring and lit tiny fires.


— Without —

Without the ferry, the center of Stalingrad was sure to fall.
Without any show of anger, he reassured the general that the offensive had been properly conceived.
Without any medical supplies, the doctor cupped the boy’s head in his hands and looked sorrowfully into his eyes.


— To —

To Petrov, it was worse than in Stalingrad.
To their right, men of the Italian Eighth Army were preparing to occupy a long stretch of looping river line …
To General Halder, this successful withdrawal was ominous.


— From (тут спорно, похоже на обстоятельства) —

From the babble of voices, he judged it sufficient to hold him in check.
From his intelligence, Chuikov knew that Paulus was planning yet another offensive against the factories.
From his own experience, Chuikov knew the Germans would roll over them in seconds


— By —

By his action, Hitler had weakened each army group and left them vulnerable to Soviet counterstrokes.
By radio, it kept asking: «Where are you, where are you?»
By some miracle the engine started on the first try.


— Above —

Above all, Zitzewitz monitored Pitomnik…


— Прочее —

Grateful for his devotion, they had rewarded the combative surgeon with ten days’ leave in Germany.
Suspicious, Malygin pursued the matter and discovered that the mortar section had actually suffered heavy casualties.
Unconscious, she bled into the gutter from a gaping wound in her stomach.


Как видите, это весьма распространенный и в то же время красивый прием, ни в коем разе не рунглиш.
Надеюсь, было полезно.


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